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「彩虹花」雙黃白蓮蓉月餅 "White Lotus Seed Paste with Double Salted Egg Yolks Mooncake"

2020-09-09 00:00:00



好快又到一年一度的中秋節啦,這兩天小編也在推介本會和馬鴻記餅家合作推出的「彩虹花」圖案的雙黃白蓮蓉月餅,小編昨天就試食了,比起傳統月餅來說,這款月餅沒有那麼甜,但味道是不錯的,而且價格又實惠,最重要是可以做慈善啊,所以小編都立即訂了幾盒,有興趣的朋友千萬不要錯過啦,既買到好味的月餅過節,又能夠支持殘疾人士!歡迎致電 28220330 與楊小姐或黃小姐訂購查詢,亦可點入以下連結選購,感謝大家的支持!福有悠歸!

The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon, our association cooperated with Ma Hong Kei Pastelaria, launched the "White Lotus Seed Paste with Double Salted Egg Yolks Mooncake" with the design of our charity brand logo, "Rainbow Flower" (Limited Edition). Compared with other traditional mooncakes, it comes with good taste and charitable prices. If you are interested, please contact Ms. Ieong and Ms. Wong on 28220330 for ordering and further information. You can also purchase via the link below. Thank you for your support of the disabled!